Monday, January 23, 2012

First Things

Welcome to my blog.  My writings will focus on the topics of medicine, economics, politics, theology and technology.  There is scarcely a more interesting topic than what we do and how we interact as people.
I started HealthScepter out of necessity; many decisions made in primary care are based on price or perceived price.  Many times as a physician, you are asked “what does ____ cost?”  I determined to find the answer to that question for my patients.  But after extensive research, it became progressively more difficult to store all of the price information in my head (and seemed wrong to me too – I wanted others to know what I found out).  So HealthScepter was constructed to bring people and price information together.

Many people I meet feel that the healthcare system is spinning out of control (and it is).  With the transparency that the internet brings, there is a fantastic opportunity in healthcare to learn more about pricing.  Knowledge is power; my hope is that each person viewing HealthScepter will have their eyes opened.  A new world is possible, but it requires new thinking.  Forget the healthcare system of old; the old system is passing away.

I invite you to think, interact, and learn.  We are in this together.  HealthScepter was made so you can Rule Your Healthcare.

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